Street Art Formats
Graffiti is has been seen like a contemporary art that express and diversify urban esthetics conception. Historically, Graffiti has existed at least since the days of ancient civilizations such as Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

Graffiti art originated in the late 1960's, and it has been developing ever since. However, it is not readily accepted as being art like those works that are found in a gallery or a museum. Even now, there are many places where it is forbidden to create graffiti on public property and it is considered a criminal offense.

Nowadays graffiti art is well spread all over the globe, especially in Japan, Europe, Australia or South Africa in urban areas where graffiti has become a special form of communication, particularly popular among young people whose aims is to express their attitudes and opinions.

The cities starting to change their visual, transforming dirty grey walls into colorful landscape with the use of graffiti art.
Purpose of graffiti

Working like an ant, trying to escape from danger, in the middle of the night, the artists “paint” the city. At sunrise people can see through different eyes: full of joy, fun and art.

Graffiti is a form of vandalism
and also a way of gangs could express their opinions using art codes and message throughout our urban and suburban fields of sight. They used only to define territories, where the highest and most difficult access spots are the core of all disputes.”

Vado do Cachimbo

Take a look at Latest Projects, and also 80s and 90s graffitis.
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Latest Graffiti
SESC Pompéia criou o projeto Vaca amarela... quem não vier.....Lembra daquela brincadeira cantada "Vaca Amarela, fez aquilo na panela?", então..., o SESC Pompéia criou o projeto Vaca amarela... quem não vier....em homenagem a essa brincadeira e em comemoração ao Dia das crianças
Vado do Cachimbo participa da exposição 2004 -De Salto Alto o Começo e o Fim de Tudo - 
EXPOSIÇÃO "VOLTA A SÃO PAULO EM MAIS DE 80 MALAS" - Curadoria: Dario Bueno, Adilson Lopes - Criação: Radha Abramo, SESC Pompéia
Em comemoração aos 450 anos a cidade de São Paulo o SESC Pompéia realizou junto com o Artista Plástico Vado do Cachimbo um mural grafitado em homenagem, sendo este confecciona e coordenado por ele juntamente com os jovens
Em julho de 2003 a volta dos grafiteiros no túnel na Av. Paulista é marcada com o íncio do Projeto São Paulo Capital Graffiti,Vado do Cachimbo participou do evento, onde reuniu grafiteiros de diversos estilos, entre eles Ozéas Duarte,Jorge Tavares, Hudinilson Junior, Rui Amaral ,Eymar e Numa Ramos.
90s Graffiti
80s Graffiti
Grupo de Grafiteiros de S.Paulo (Av.Paulista/R.Consolação)
Vado do Cachimbo, Waldemar Zaidler, Ozeas Duarte, Jaime Prades, Zé Carratu, Alex Vallauri e Rui Amaral
Vado do Cachimbo, Maurício Villaça e Alex Vallauri

Contact: 55*(15) 99673-7161 | E-mail:
Vado do Cachimbo © 2007.